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Faculty and Strategic Initiatives

Tennessee Hope Scholarship Renewal Criteria

MTSU Syllabus Component

Do you have a lottery scholarship?  To retain the Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship eligibility, you must earn a cumulative TELS GPA of 2.75 after 24 and 48 attempted hours and a cumulative TELS GPA of 3.0 thereafter.  A grade of C, D, F, FA, or I in this class may negatively impact TELS eligibility. 

If you drop this class, withdraw, or if you stop attending this class you may lose eligibility for your lottery scholarship, and you will not be able to regain eligibility at a later time.

For additional Lottery rules, please refer to your Lottery Statement of Understanding form or contact the MT One Stop.

Contact Us

Faculty and Strategic Initiatives
111 Cope Administration Building
(615) 898-5941