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Faculty and Strategic Initiatives

Faculty Handbook

This Faculty Handbook is a readily available reference to information for faculty compiled by the Office of the University Provost in collaboration with the Faculty Senate. The Handbook provides links to University Policies and guidelines from campus departments. Amendments or revisions to cited policies become effective when approved by the Middle Tennessee State University Board of Trustees or by the President. While every effort is made to keep this Web site current, it is possible that certain provisions may be superceded by revisions or amendments approved but not yet posted.

This Handbook is not intended to state contractual terms and does not constitute a contract between the faculty member and the University. Applicable law, Board of Trustees policy, and University policy define the obligations of the University. Faculty members should refer to University Policies for relevant official information.

The University Provost and the Faculty Senate share responsibility for the Faculty Handbook. Questions or suggestions for changes to the Faculty Handbook may be be sent to the University Provost or to the Faculty Senate.

The Handbook is reviewed and updated annually. Policy revision dates are included in the linked sites.

How to Use this Handbook

The Faculty Handbook is divided into the major categories below. Click on a category to find links to the appropriate MTSU documents and web pages. This page can be searched using the browser’s ” Edit – Find” feature. Enter a keyword to see the categories that contain links to that keyword. Clicking on the category takes you to a page containing the links. The same search process can be used on each category page to find a specific link.

MTSU Mission, Vision and Organization

University mission statement, vision statement, Academic Master Plan 2015-2025, MTSU organizational charts, university standing committees, MTSU history.

Academic Freedom and Responsibilities

Faculty academic freedom and responsibilities in the classroom, in research, in the community, ethics guidelines for faculty.

Appointment, Tenure and Promotion Policies

Faculty and non-faculty appointments, tenure, promotion, faculty exchange, appeals, employment of graduate assistants, faculty proficiency in oral and written English, financial exigency, non-instructional faculty time.

Compensation and Retirement

Compensation, part-time adjunct faculty compensation, outside employment and extra compensation, summer sessions, longevity pay, retirement, post retirement service program for tenured faculty, faculty emeritus, separation procedures, employee tuition assistance.

Employee Tuition Assistance

Curriculum and Classroom Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

Academic proposals, regulations (catalog), grades, off-campus offerings, use of campus property and facilities scheduling, University Space Management, assessment, distance education, international education, study abroad, records office policies, student conduct and disciplinary sanctions, tests and exams, syllabus, drop/add deadlines, effective classroom accommodations, supplies, disabled student services, adaptive technology center, best practices for academic program analysis and improvement, honors college, textbook adoption, general education, university curriculum committee, undergraduate and graduate catalogs, faculty advising, grade appeals, student attire, attendance, classrooms and offices, inclement weather, academic integrity and misconduct, D2L support, academic calendar, student handbook, EXL at MTSU, MT Engage, student policies and resources, safety-related policies and procedures.



Related Information

Faculty Development, Recognition and Information

Faculty development, new faculty orientation, grants and awards, ITD faculty showcase, Learning, Teaching & Innovative Technologies Center (LT&ITC), annual fall faculty meeting and university convocation, commencement/graduation, faculty meetings, faculty senate, creative and visual services, MTSU News, selection process for the faculty appointment to the MTSU Board of Trustees.

Finance-Related and Travel Policies and Procedures

Accounting services, subscriptions and memberships, travel, food service, business meals and recognition events, charitable organization deduction, charitable solicitation, fundraising, cash purchases and petty cash funds, receipts and approval of invoices, disposal of surplus personal property, procurement procedures, contract office, key inventory, naming of buildings and endowments, motor pool services regulations, budget and accounting control policy.

Hiring, Employment and Personnel Policies

MTSU Board of Trustees bylaws, personnel transactions, conditions of employment and general personnel policies, overload, faculty recruitment, personnel records policy, types of appointment, grievance/complaint procedures, holidays, approval of positions, curriculum vitae and transcripts, evaluation procedures, post-tenure faculty development, notification of resignation by faculty, use of electronic signatures and records guidelines, inspecting and copying public records policy, qualifications/application procedures, workload guidelines, compensation, benefits, offices and office hours, faculty absences and leave policies, parking, keys, faculty ID cards, grades, syllabi, textbook changes, student access, employee classification, workplace violence, fiscal misconduct, general personnel policy, hiring forms and documents, allocation of faculty to departments, faculty appointments, appeals and appearances before the board, employee assistance program, TN Uniform Administrative Procedures Act Policy, exit interview/check-out procedures for terminating regular employees, Human Resource Services, part-time/adjunct faculty employment policiesEOAA, harassment, ITD, ADA policies.

Part-time/ Adjunct Faculty Employment Policies

Research and Graduate Faculty Resources

Intellectual property, patents and copyrights, grants, contracts, sponsored research, misconduct, conflict of interest, animal care and use, protection of human subjects, outside sponsorship of scholarly activities, undergraduate research center.

Other Useful Links

Campus Recreation center, MTSU athletics, event tickets, child care services, evening extended school program, parking services, dining services, MTSU News, campus planning, James E. Walker Library, health services, Theatre, Dance, Music, dining services, privacy of information, drug free workplace, alcoholic beverages, campus smoking, service animals and pets.


Recreation and Health

Related Information

Contact Us

Faculty and Strategic Initiatives
111 Cope Administration Building
(615) 898-5941