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Faculty and Strategic Initiatives

Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant

  • Faculty Professional Development Travel Grants fund opportunities such as training, workshops, or other experiences that provide professional development within a faculty member’s discipline.
  • Faculty Professional Development Travel Grants do not provide funding for release/reassigned time, faculty stipends, or student support.  They do not fund equipment, supplies, or materials.    
  • Faculty Professional Development Travel Grants support training, certification, and other opportunities for professional learning.  Such an award may fund conference travel if the faculty member plans to attend the conference for workshops or trainings or to receive certifications.  
  • Preference is given to applicants who have not received Faculty Professional Development Travel Grant funding within the past two years.

The Faculty Professional Development Travel Grants Committee will accept applications by noon on the following dates:

  • September 13, 2024
  • October 18, 2024 (if funding is available)
  • February 14, 2025 (if funding is available)
  • March 21, 2025 (if funding is available)

Fill out the application (fillable PDF) and send scanned applications, including proposal, budget, supporting materials (if applicable), and signatures as ONE COMPLETE DOCUMENT to by the submission deadline dates.

To secure an early-bird rate to attend a conference before being approved for travel funding, faculty members may use their own credit card.  If this is the case, applicants should be clear in the application that they are applying for both travel funds and for a personal reimbursement.  The Provost’s Office will not reimburse the cost of early-bird registration if a Professional Development Travel Grant is not awarded.

To receive grant funds, the applicant must be a tenured or tenure-track full-time teaching faculty member. Most successful grants include departmental contributions or matching funds. Travel requests must abide by University policies. All travel authorizations and travel claims must be routed through and for approval and reimbursement.

At the completion of the project, grantees must submit a final report to the Provost’s Office ( and indicate whether any funds remain in the account.

If the funded project results in publication, grantees must acknowledge Faculty Professional Travel Grant program support in the publication as follows: “Financial support was provided by the Faculty Professional Development Grant Committee of Middle Tennessee State University.”

For more information, please contact Angie Price in the Office of the University Provost at (615) 898-5941.

Contact Us

Faculty and Strategic Initiatives
111 Cope Administration Building
(615) 898-5941