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Faculty and Strategic Initiatives

Curriculum Redesign for Accessibility

This grant funds curricular redesign and attendant costs, e.g., the services of a transcriptionist, implementation of universal design, workshop/conference attendance, consulting, faculty time to write an external grant, etc. Two awards per year are available at $1,000 each. Applications, due August 1 for the fall term and December 1 for the spring term, consist of a 1-2 page description of the activity and expected outcomes, including a budget. An end-of-project report must be submitted to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs by January 31, if the award is for the fall term, or July 1, if the award is for the spring term. Faculty applying for a Curriculum Redesign for Accessibility Grant should scan the completed application and submit it to on or before the stated deadlines.

Contact Us

Faculty and Strategic Initiatives
111 Cope Administration Building
(615) 898-5941