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Faculty and Strategic Initiatives

Allocation of Faculty to Departments

Each year the number of faculty members assigned to a department is based upon the recommendation of the University Provost, with the approval of the President. While the allocation may vary with the amount of the state appropriation and that portion of the appropriation which is allocated to the MTSU budget for instruction and departmental research, the number of faculty members assigned to a department is a function of the actual student credit hours earned.

It is recognized that some departments must be granted exceptions in order to fulfill their approved instructional objectives, maintain a university curriculum, and meet accreditation standards.

After faculty members are allocated, it is the responsibility of the department chair to see that assignments are made in such a manner as to achieve departmental objectives and, to the extent possible, distribute assignments on an equitable basis.

Approval of Positions

New instructional and academic staff positions are requested by the department chairs and deans as a part of the budgetary process. New faculty positions are justified primarily upon student credit hour production using a formula approach. The University Provost makes recommendations to the President who then approves the positions and their funding and authorizes the filing of the positions. 

Curriculum Vitae and Transcripts

Faculty (including adjuncts) must have a current curriculum vitae on file, maintained by the department chairs. Faculty (including adjuncts) must have official transcripts on file in the Office of the University Provost.

Evaluation Procedures

According to University policy 810, all employees are evaluated annually. Faculty performance evaluations completed by department chairs/directors and shared with faculty are designed to improve the quality of instruction, research/scholarship/creative activity, and service consistent with the mission of the University and are curated in the Faculty Success database. If the faculty member is tenured and needs professional development, the annual evaluation conference will follow the guidelines in the University’s post-tenure faculty development plan. Faculty title and rank determine how criteria are weighted as explained in University Policy 202 Faculty Definition, Roles, Responsibilities, and Appointment Types, University Policy 204 Tenure, and University Policy 205 Promotion. Results of the faculty performance evaluations, along with student evaluations of teaching (SET), assist decision making for re-hiring, renewal, and promotion and tenure processes. SET for all courses and all instructors, regardless of rank or title, are administered electronically. SET results are shared with the faculty member evaluated, with the department chairperson/school director, and with the respective dean.

Notification of Resignation by Faculty

Faculty members who do not expect to return the following year are expected to notify the department chair and the dean of the college concerned in writing as soon as possible but no later than May 1.

Types of Appointment

Faculty ID Cards

BlueID cards may be required for building or room access, to check out books at the Walker Library, and for use of University recreational and other facilities. They may be acquired at no cost in the Student Services and Admission Center (SSAC)  Room 112 between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. or at BlueID Online

Contact Us

Faculty and Strategic Initiatives
111 Cope Administration Building
(615) 898-5941