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Faculty and Strategic Initiatives

Conference USA Faculty Achievement Award

The Conference USA Faculty Achievement Award will honor one MTSU faculty member with an exceptional record of accomplishment within their academic discipline (s). The recipient will receive a $5000 honorarium and become MTSU’s nominee for Conference USA Professor of the Year. The faculty member selected as Professor of the Year at the conference level will receive an additional $15,000 honorarium.

Highly qualified applicants will demonstrate an outstanding record of teaching, research/creative activity, service, and/or scholarship, as well as regional, national, or international recognition for contributions or achievements within their respective fields of study.

Since 2014, MTSU has competed athletically as one of 11 members of Conference USA (C-USA), among the nation’s best in student-athlete academic performance. The Presidents and Chancellors of C-USA established the Faculty Achievement and Professor of the Year Awards to celebrate distinguished faculty contributions at member institutions.


All full-time MTSU faculty (i.e., tenure-track, tenured, and non-tenure-track) who have not previously received the award are eligible. Self-nominations are welcome.

Application Process

Application packets should include the following:

  • Cover letter from the nominee, describing qualifications/achievements (2 pages maximum).
  • Current, abbreviated curriculum vitae (5 pages maximum).
  • At least two letters of recommendation from colleagues who can speak directly to the applicant’s contributions across the areas described above, submitted directly to
  • All application materials, including letters of support/recommendation, are due by February 1, 2025.

Please submit cover letter and curriculum vitae as a single pdf file to no later than February 1, 2025.


For more information, contact Dr. Brian Hinote ( in the Office of the Provost.

Contact Us

Faculty and Strategic Initiatives
111 Cope Administration Building
(615) 898-5941